Cathletics Key Cards 
Select from 18 self-quizzing, laminated cards with Key Card Spinning Flap, each packed with information of a particular theme within the Catholic Faith. 

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Cathletics Key Cards
Monica McConkey (Author)

We have VERY limited quantities of these cards.
Please email for special order of the Cathletics Key Cards.

Product Details

18 individual laminated quizzing cards with a rotating color flap to reveal and conceal the answers
Publisher:  Arma Dei (2009)
Language:  English
Product Dimension:  8.5″x3.5″
Shipping Weight: 9g

ALTAR SERVERS:   Roles, Duties, Prayer, Corporal, Pall, Host, Paten, Purificator, Chalice, Patron Saint of Altar Servers, Order of Mass (currently unavailable)
ANGELS:  9 Choirs, 7 Guardian Angels’ Duties, 3 Archangels and 22 examples of Angelic Intervention in Scripture
BIBLE:  all 72 books of the Bible, organized into groups for easier memorization, plus the Stations of the Cross
BIBLE HEROES:  18 Patriarchs / Leaders, 18 Prophets, 13 Women of the Old Tastament, 12+1 Apostles, 10 Women of the New Testament, 10 of the First Evangelists, 4 Gospel Evangelists
THE CHURCH:  7 Sacraments, 4 Marks of the Church (defined), 3 Duties of the Bishops, 3 States of the Church, 3 Bonds of Unity
CONFIRMATION:     5 Effects of Confirmation, Sacred Chrism (what is it)
“Be Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”, 7 Gifts, 12 Fruits (currently unavailable)

DAILY PRAYERS:  Morning Offering, Memorare, St. Michael Prayer, St. Gertrude Prayer, Evening Prayer (currently unavailable)
FOUNDATION PRAYERS:  Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, Grace before Meals, Angel of God, Act of Contrition
HOLY COMMUNION:  5 Fruits of Holy Communion, 3 Meanings of the Sacramental Sacrifice, text receiving Communion “Body of Christ” “Amen”, “Blood of Christ” “Amen” Prayer before Communion, Prayer after Communion (currently unavailable)
THE HOLY SPIRIT:  12 Fruits, 9 Charisms, 7 Gifts, 5 Mysteries of the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit, Prayer to the Holy Spirit (currently unavailable)
MARY:  7 Sorrows, 5 Joys, Mary speaks in the Bible (7 times), 3 Roles of Mary
15 Marian Feasts, 12 of the most famous Marian Apparitions

MASSPenitential Rite, Glory to God, Profession of Faith, Holy, Holy , The Lord’s Supper (Take this, all of you…), Memorial Acclamation, Breaking of the Bread (Lamb of God), Communion (Lord, I am not worthy…)MYSTERIES OF FAITH Holy Trinity, Incarnation, Eucharist, Paschal Mystery, Ascension, Pentecost, 2nd Coming, Immaculate Conception, Assumption
PATRON SAINTSSafety Saints, Crisis Saints, Family Saints, Network Saints, Medical Kit Saints
RECONCILIATIONExamination of Conscience, Act of Contrition, General format of Confession

ROSARY:  I believe in God…, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, O my Jesus prayers,
5 Joyful Mysteries, 5 Sorrowful Mysteries, 5 Glorious Mysteries and 5 Luminous Mysteries  and a 10-bead margin illustration on one side of the card to keep track of prayers as they are said.

RULES TO LIVE BY:  10 Commandments, 8 Beatitudes, 7 Virtues, 7 Spiritual Works, 7 Corporal Works, 6 Precepts of the Church (currently unavailable)
VESSELS & VESTMENTS:  Holy Water Font, Cruets, Chalice, Paten, Ciborium, Thurible, Monstrance, Sanctuary Lamp, Tabernacle, Alb, Cincture, Stole, Chasuble, Cassock, Surplice


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