Monica McConkey (Author)
Catechism Catcher Review
Price: $15 / $13 U.S. for PDF
Look inside the CatcherCheck out the VIDEO:
Catechism Catcher Tutorial
Look inside the CatcherCheck out the VIDEO:
Catechism Catcher Tutorial
Product Details
1 color cover, 2 black and white templates, instructions, 5 “ready to fold” copies printed on colored paper, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic11″x 9″ envelope.This kit includes instructions and 2 templates to create the classic folded craft, packed with Catechism terms & graphics for quizzing activity or a unique reference tool.
Publisher: Arma Dei (2007)
Language: English
Product Dimension: 9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 65g
Email Monica for ordering information.