What have you been up to lately?


I finally have an intro page…complete with photos from our photo shoot yesterday.  Wow…it’s difficult to get 7 people with their eyes open, nice smiles, out of the shadow (Kelly!) and looking in the same direction, all at the same time, especially when one is only 19 months.  This is my new Intro Page!

The first of it’s kind!  An index of Link Ups…just for Catholics!
Check it out, link up your ideas and please share the button AND a link to CathoLINK LIBRARY…for easy access to Catho-LINKS!

This is the SECOND week using the NEW Roman Missal Mass.
Check out our downloadable Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition for a fun way to familiarize the kids with the new text as well as Vessels, Vestments, Parts of the Mass, Church Furnishings and Sacraments.

I like to keep my linkies OPEN so that everyone can keep linking their projects.  Add your homemade Nativity (and related nativity activity) posts here at the Nativity Activity Linky.

This is my special post about the Knitted Nativity my Auntie Ingrid MADE me just in time for Advent!!
We love it!

In case you’re not totally sick of posts about Homemade Nativities…here are all the ones we have made!

This is my Advent Calendar Linky…and it’s also STILL open, for people like me who are a little behind.  Yes, I still have yet to post my new Advent Calendar that I’m working on.  I’m not sure if we will end up using it for this Advent or just looking forward to breaking it out next year!
It’s not too late to link up!

Book Badge Review and Doodle Summary 
for The Third Testament
A book by John Eklund.

Knitted Nativity: sorry if you don’t have an Auntie Ingrid!

Linked up to the Nativity Activity Linky!

Auntie Ingrid has knitted amazing gifts for us over the years.  She knitted outfits for my brother and me…and those same outfits have been worn by my kids!  She is known for her amazing baby blankets…and I’m proud to say that our family with 5 kids probably has the biggest collection!

Then there was the hat she gave Kelly last Christmas.  Kelly has officially worn the pom-poms off that hat, but continues to wear it winter, spring, summer AND fall. We WILL sew the pom-poms back on soon.

And then there’s “Bunny”.  Adam’s best friend is a little bunny that Auntie Ingrid made for his birthday.  “Bunny” even made a special “solo” trip by UPS from Columbus, Ohio to our home in Canada, when we accidentally left him behind at the hotel, on our trip last month.

Auntie Ingrid has officially outdone herself.

Although I was wondering why everyone was starting with the Christmas decorations so darn soon, I am now ready to bust out the Advent calendar and nativity…how could I not…when we just received THIS?

(Sorry, if you don’t have an Auntie Ingrid.)

There is no way I can put this back in the box for even a week!
The kids are already playing with it and Baby Jesus has already explored our whole house.

From what I understand, Auntie Ingrid used these patterns from Jean Greenhowe.
I also noticed a different pattern in a book called Knitivity.  I wish I knew how to knit!!

Again, sorry if you don’t have an Auntie Ingrid.
Linked up to the Nativity Activity Linky!