Homemade Advent Calendars: Links of Lightbulbs (6)

These are some of the coolest homemade Advent Calendars I have found online. 
 Please add your favorites to the linky below!

Homemade Advent Calendars
are great to reveal Jesse Tree Ornaments, Nativity figures and  Advent challenges
I was also thinking that the pockets (as they are emptied day by day) could then be filled with “Secret Saint” messages.  You know, instead of “Secret Santa”…good deeds or sacrifices offered and recorded for one another, to be shared on Christmas day.  I know…it’s a little like my Advent Mailbox Wreath last year,
a fun way to keep the little messages and something from-the-heart-and-not-the-store
to open on Christmas Day.

(1) The Recycle Bin Advent Calendar would hang nicely in a tight spot and has good-sized pockets to hide small items.
(2) I love the Toilet Paper Roll Calendar!  Another great way to recycle TP rolls…and takes up minimal space on the wall!

(3) Matchbox Advent Calendar:  I have always wanted to use little matchboxes as little drawers and this is a great compact way to arrange them.

(4) Booklet Advent Calendar.  I love the way this booklet fans out to show the little pockets. I bet I could turn it into a “Lazy Susan” with a paper towel roll, a TP roll and a plastic plate.
See the Stations of the Cross Carousel for a visual!

(5) Check this link out for 30 of the Best Advent Calendars!

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a division of Arma Dei.
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