Welcome to the Arma Dei Shoppe!
We have books, paper craft kits and quizzing cards
to help teach the Catholic Faith!

We are excited to offer some of our Cathletics Craft Kits
as PDF downloadables!

Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition 
(printed version: $16 + shipping)  printable version: $14

Catholic Lingo Bingo (English)
(printed version: $12 + shipping)  printable version: $10

Catholic Lingo Bingo (En Espanol)
(printed version: $12 + shipping) printable version: $10

Catholic Family Calendar
(printed version: currently not available) printable version: $14

Journey with Jesus: Sacraments (all 7) 
(printed version: $16 + shipping)  printable version: $14

Journey with Jesus: Reconciliation & Holy Communion
(printed version: $16 + shipping)  printable version: $14

Spiritual Bouquet of Prayer Petal Flowers

Spiritual Bouquet of
Prayer Petal Flowers

Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)

Printed Version:  $15 U.S. + shipping
PDF Printable Version:  $13 U.S.

Product Details

1 color cover, 12 black and white templates including:
PDF Print Instructions
Instructions, Rosary Flower Templates, Spiritual Bouquet Clipart and Mysteries of the Rosary Bookmark

Instructions, Rosary Garland Templates of Rosary Flower parts and Mysteries of the Rosary Bookmark
5 Decade Rosary Coloring Page
Instructions, Divine Mercy Template and Spiritual Bouquet Clipart
5 Decade Divine Mercy Coloring Page
plus License to photocopy for single household or single class term use,
all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2012)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Pages:  14
Shipping Weight: 92g

Catholic Family Calendar {PDF}

Time for a FAMILY PROJECT this week?
a calendar for 2012…and every year after!
All you need is a printer for a treasured family calendar of all your special dates and Feastdaysand it can be used year after yearand copied for all of the Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins in your family!

The Build-Your-Own
Catholic Family Perpetual Calendar!
with Kelly Comics illustrations.

Each month has a complete path of dates to record your family birth dates, Sacrament dates. anniversaries and dates of when loved ones passed away.
The sticky notes and notepaper background already have key feast dates and monthly devotions recorded, with ample space to add your own favorite feast days and “family firsts”.

Email mmcconkey {at} rogers {dot} com for ordering info.  
Remind me that you are interested in the Catholic Family Calendar.
(or Kelly Comics Family Calendar without the feastday bulletin board design: see below)
Downloadable PDF version
Price: $14

Add to Cart

Product Details

This kit includes a full color calendar (ready to add your family dates and copy for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins!).
This kit also includes a black & white version for your family to color with pencil crayons, record your special dates and copy for all your relatives.
This kit ALSO includes a full month by month index of patron saints, so that you can add your special family patron saints to each month.
Binding options require either spiral binding (at a print shop) OR securing pages to a dollarstore sketchpad OR a big clip (with optional magnets) for the “Clipboard Calendar” version as seen in photo above.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Printed Weight: 102g

Robin says

…it printed fantastically.  I’m thinking of laminating it so my great niece can use dry erase markers and use it year after year.  I’ll make one for my god-daughter when she gets a little older, she’s only 3 yrs right now… Thanks for putting this out there…

Also available:  Kelly Comics Family Calendar

with Kelly Comics illustrations.
This includes the same calendar template as the Catholic Family Calendar, without the bulletin board background or Catholic devotions and key feastdays already recorded.

Available by special request only: email mmcconkey {at} rogers {dot} com
Request the Catholic Family Calendar OR Kelly Comics Family Calendar to be invoiced through paypal and receive your download link.

Downloadable PDF version
Price: $14

you’ll find it in the Treasure Chest…

Catechism Catcher

Catechism Catcher
Cathletics Craft Kit

Monica McConkey (Author)
Catechism Catcher Review
Price: $15 / $13 U.S. for PDF
Look inside the CatcherCheck out the VIDEO:
Catechism Catcher Tutorial

Product Details
1 color cover, 2 black and white templates, instructions, 5 “ready to fold” copies printed on colored paper, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic11″x 9″ envelope.This kit includes instructions and 2 templates to create the classic folded craft, packed with Catechism terms & graphics for quizzing activity or a unique reference tool.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 65g

Email Monica for ordering information.


Prayer Bank

Prayer Bank
Cathletics Craft Kit

Monica McConkey (Author)

Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside Prayer Bank

Product Details

1 color cover, 5 black and white templates including instructions, clipart for prayer folders, a starter set of 29 prayers and 8 envelopes for your first Prayer Bank.  Permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use is included.  All pages are contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create a special folder with envelope pockets to hold a starter set of prayers (included) and future collections of prayers; inspired at home or in the classroom,  and holy cards with classic prayers from favorite saints and devotions.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 119g

Email Monica for ordering information.

Catechism Cube

Catechism Cube
Cathletics Craft Kit

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Catechism Cube

Product Details

1 color cover, 7 black and white templates, 7 page starter set on colored paper, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create a 3D cube, packed with Catechism terms and graphics for a quizzing tool or classroom decoration. Study bookmarks offering definitions for all the terms, are included within the templates.   A starter set is included, printed on suggested colored stock.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 137g


Email Monica for ordering information.

Advent & Lent Quest

Advent & Lent Quest 
Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)

Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside Advent & Lent Quest

Product Details

1 color cover, 4 black and white templates including instructions, suggestions and challenge links, a starter set on recommended color stock and permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create a paper chain for Advent and Lent, either assembling it, link by link, as the Season progresses, or removing one link at a time, in anticipation of Christmas or Easter.  Suggestions are included, offering how the challenge strips may become part of other practices and traditions of the Season.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 80g

Email Monica for any ordering questions.

Journey with Jesus: Confirmation

Journey with Jesus through Confirmation
Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)
Catechism Catcher Review
Price: $16 U.S.
Get a closer look at Journey with Jesus through Confirmation!

Product Details
1 color cover, 29 black and white templates of reflective questions based on the Catechism as well as journalling prompts and clipart to color.  This kit has Sacrament content and supportive reflective questions appropriate to Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.  As with all of our Cathletics Craft Kits, permission to photocopy is included for single household or single class term use.  All pages are contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2010)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 187g

Email Monica for ordering information.

Catholic Bilingual Bingo GIVEAWAY! NEW Spanish Version!

This is a BIG deal, considering that up here in Canada, our second language is FRENCH!

We have had many requests to translate our products
and THANKS to my friend Xhonane of Familia Católica,
we our releasing our FIRST Spanish Cathletics Craft Kit:

1.  by subscribing to Equipping Catholic Families
2. leaving a comment below.
Please include your email address or email me your email address
for the quickest way to claim your Craft Kit!

…and if you’d really like to win…

3. “Like” our Arma Dei facebook page
AND leave a comment on the wall for another chance to win.

The comments are very important…
and the best way for me to keep track of entries for this GIVEAWAY! 
Please include your email address or email me your email address for the quickest way
to claim your pdf Cathletics Craft Kits if you WIN!
The WINNER will get to choose their prize!
1. Catholic Lingo Bingo PLUS
Catholic Lingo Bingo Versión en Español,
(both pdf downloadable)
2. Catholic Lingo Bingo (English or Spanish) PLUS
(both pdf downloadable)
3. Catholic Lingo Bingo (English or Spanish) PLUS
Check out my friend Xhonane’s REVIEW and GIVEAWAY of
Lingo Bingo Católico at Familia Católica,
Versión electrónica en Español
Xhonane graciously agreed to help with the translation of the Catholic Lingo Bingo craft kit! 
She has been so wonderful to work with and the Spanish Version of Catholic Lingo Bingo is now available for sale on her site as well!  She is offering a special deal on her new e-book  Libro “El Año Liturgico en Familia” as well, along with a special GIVEAWAY!
I love to see how Xhonane has used the Catholic Lingo Bingo Craft Kit with her family.  She even gives her specific approach to teaching the Vessels and Vestments and the various ways that the kit can be used as a Bingo Game and as a Matching Game.

Catholic Lingo Bingo!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Catholic Lingo Bingo
Purchase NOW and receive INSTANTLY
to print at home!
Downloadable PDF version  Price: $9.99 U.S.

Purchase Catholic Lingo Bingo: Add to Cart

NEW: Versión en Español Price $9.99 U.S.
Purchase Catholic Lingo Bingo: Spanish  Add to Cart

View Cart  

Product Details

1 color cover, 16 black and white templates including instructions, master set and 15  (ready-to-color 8.5″x11″) bingo cards, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic11″x 9″ envelope.
This kit includes a Bingo game, teaching the Vessels, Vestments and Sacramentals
The templates can also be used for a matching game.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Printed Weight: 120g
Return to our Cathletics Craft Kit page to order the
Paper Version of Catholic Lingo Bingo (English)

$12 U.S. plus shipping

Please include your email address or email me your email address
for the quickest way to claim your Craft Kit!

The Catholic Lingo Bingo is now available
in English AND Spanish!