Catholic Conferences…it’s not too late to submit your favorite!

before the voting starts?
I just extended the linky submission deadline.
(1) Conferences (and retreats and prayer events) for Catholics
(2) Conferences for Religious Educators
(3) Conferences for Bookstore Owners
(4) Conferences for Homeschoolers
(5) Favorite Conferences…not necessarily Catholic!

Catholic Conferences: List of Links (4)

Please note: this is a work in progress!

I am gradually adding as many conferences as possible within the different linkies.  Please be patient…we’re on the 4th sick kid in the family…in a week.  Feel free to speed up the process and add some conference links!  Don’t worry if you can’t add the thumbnail images…I will try to add them later.

Voting for your favorite conferences
will begin in a few days!
(I hope to have all the conferences added by then!)

(1) for Catholics

(2) for Religious Educators

(3) for Bookstore Owners

(4) for homeschoolers
*the GHC conferences aren’t Catholic

(5) Conference Wishlist

Links of Light Bulbs is brought to you by, a division of Arma Dei.

Cool Stuff about Catholic Conferences

(1) Cool Catholic Stuff!
Over the years we have collected
many treasures at Catholic Conferences. 
It’s so wonderful to see what cool Catholic stuff is out there! 

(2) Familiar Faces (and voices!)
It was so nice to see Lisa Hendey again
(and hear her familiar voice from Catholic Moments!)
and to flip through her new book
A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms
(3) New Friends!
We met lots of DREs and teachers and principals and signed up many new friends to our mailing list…and even a couple for our school fundraising program! 
We hope they drop by soon to!
Please subscribe to EquippingCatholicFamilies, say hello in the comments…or “like” us on facebook!
We will announce our next product winners shortly!
(4) Great Talks!
OK…we heard they were very good…
but unfortunately we could not attend them
because we were busy at the Arma Dei booth.
(5) Cool Places to see!

Anyone recognize the city that hosted our conference last weekend?
We walked by this herd each day,
on our way to the convention center!
(6) Celebrating the last conference of our 2011 season!

This was the view from our room at Niagara Falls, on the way home! 
Thanks, Mom and Uncle Steve for the babysitting!