Welcome to the Arma Dei Shoppe!
We have books, paper craft kits and quizzing cards
to help teach the Catholic Faith!
Purchase PDF Cathletics Craft Kits
to be shipped.
THREE books to help teach and celebrate
the Catholic Faith!
We are excited to offer some of our Cathletics Craft Kits
as PDF downloadables!
Each SAINT SCRIPTS Cathletics Craft Kit  includes
20 Saints (+ Jesus or Mary) in a  little recipe card format filled with Saint stats, a full color  Kelly Comics pic and a brief biographyAND 20(+1) half page black and white templates with the colorable pic, plus information format for kids to research and fill in the Saint details.Instructions and suggestions are included for different ways of using each Saint Scripts Cathletics Craft Kit at home or in the classroom!


Saint Scripts Series ONE contains the full color recipe cards plus blank templates with coloring picture for these Saints: St Andre, St Anthony, St Catherine, St Clare, St Dominic, St Faustina, St Francis, St John, St Jude, St Nicholas, St Pio, St Patrick, St Paul, St Peter, St Raphael, St Rita, Bl Teresa, St Therese, St Vincent AND Jesus

Purchase Saint Scripts Series ONE here (PDF Download: $15) Add to Cart

Purchase BOTH Saint Scripts Craft Kits (ONE and TWO) for $25:

Use the discount code: 241Saints


Saint Scripts Series TWO contains the full color recipe cards plus blank templates with coloring picture for these Saints:  St Agnes, St Anne, St Augustine, St Benedict, St Bernadette, St Cecilia, St Gabriel, St George, St Gerard, St Gianna, St Joan, Bl John Paul II, St Joseph, St Juan, St Kateri, St Lucy, St Maria, St Maximilian, St Michael, St Monica AND Blessed Virgin Mary

Purchase Saint Scripts Series TWO here (PDF Download: $15)

Add to Cart


Purchase BOTH Saint Scripts Craft Kits (ONE and TWO) for $25:

Use the discount code: 241Saints


The Catholic Cube, Tiny Saints Edition includes 9 templates plus four pages of instructions and suggested ways to play including quizzing games, matching and bingo!  9 Tiny Saints are featured with one image panel and one text panel and a cool little badge template, along with all their key life details and a prayer or a quote from the Saint.

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 



This Cathletics Craft Kit offers instructions for a unique hand-made prayer bank to hold a collection of classic Catholic Prayers and Saint devotions. When I say that the paper craft kit has been expanded, I mean it! It now features a cool envelope template, lots of clipart, 74 special prayers with graphics, along with over 25 prayer card templates for you to add your own prayers, composed at home, school or Church!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 

& Year of Faith TOWER TUMBLE

NEW 2-in-1 Classic Converted to Catholic Bundle!

Templates are used to convert 2 classic games to be Catholic:
Plinko with the Saints (profiles of 30 saints)
Tower Tumble (56 Catechism categories with answers)
These templates will be useful for other classic games and various Advent and Lent challenges,
yet to be showcased at Equipping Catholic Families!
Lots of info about the Saints (PLINKO)
and cross-references to the Bible and Catechism (TOWER).
This paper craft kit includes 3 collections of paper chain links: Year of Faith (Catechism Facts), Season with the Saints (profiles of 48 Saints), Advent & Lent Quest Classics (prayer, Catechism and Saint challenges from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families) along with blank, formatted templates to add your own challenges, along with permission to photocopy for a whole family or classroom!
Purchase Paper or Printable Versions

3 in 1 includes Season with the Saints, Year of Faith
and Advent & Lent Classic

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 

Starter Set of 18 Saints presented in the classic Trading Card format, teaching basic information about the Saints. Instructions for THREE methods of play are included, to use these full color collector cards.

PDF Download: $5 U.S.

This paper craft kit includes TEN different themed Catchers including Mysteries of the Rosary, Mysteries of Faith, Stations, Sins & Sorrows, Old Testament, New Testament and Rules to Live By, along with permission to photocopy for a whole family or classroom!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 

This paper craft kit includes TWELVE different templates to choose from for your custom Catechism Cube, including newly added…Mysteries of Faith, Precepts of the Church, Works of Mercy, Mysteries of the Rosary, the Nicene Creed and Stations of the Cross, along with permission to photocopy for a whole family or classroom!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 




This paper craft kit includes a unique Mass Missal activity with the new translation of the Mass. Kids lace through the prayers and responses at Mass! The kit includes black & white templates and color templates in both English and Spanish, along with permission to photocopy for a whole family or classroom!
PDF Download: $13 U.S.
This paper craft kit includes 1-decade flower templates based on the prayers of the Rosary, as well as the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Coloring pages of the full 5-decade Rosary or Chaplet are included with all the prayers for reference. A Rosary Wall garland is included as well as clipart for spiritual bouquets for both Rosary and Chaplet. Once again, permission to photocopy is included for a whole family or classroom!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 
10 distinct little booklets teach Vessels, Vestments, Sacraments, Sacramentals and Parts of the Mass. Each book has a different set of phrases from the new translation of the Mass, in order, training kids to look and listen at Mass. Once again, permission to photocopy is included for a whole family or classroom!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 

15 8.5″x11″ Bingo cards offer illustrations of Vessels and Vestments. A Master template is included to call out items and permission to photocopy is included for a whole family or classroom!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 


Catholic Lingo Bingo (En Espanol)


Just like the English Catholic Lingo Bingo, with all Vessels, Vestments and instructions in Spanish!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 

A unique perpetual calendar, illustrated with Kelly Comics, available in full color as well as black & white (for kids to color). An index of patron saints for the entire year is included, along with permission to photocopy for close friends and relatives. Add your birthdates, anniversaries, Sacrament dates and Patron Saint Feastdays for this unique family treasure! Make copies for grandparents and cousins!

PDF Download: $13 U.S. 



Journey with Jesus: Sacraments (all 7)

(printed version: $16 + shipping) printable version: $14

Reflection questions, Catechisms questions and Kelly Comics clipart to scrapbook through the Sacraments. Instructions are included to create a unique accordion scrapbook, but templates lend themselves well to any scrapbook!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 

(printed version: $16 + shipping) printable version: $14
Reflection questions, Catechisms questions and Kelly Comics clipart to scrapbook through Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Instructions are included to create a unique accordion scrapbook, but templates lend themselves well to any scrapbook!

Paper Version: $15 + shipping
PDF Download: $13 U.S. 




Summer Catechism and Prayer Crafts

Thanks for your patience…
I’m trying to set up a better display of our Catholic products
…in the style of Amazon, but available only
through a select number of Catholic bookstores and catalogues. =) 
Email Monica for ordering information.
Cathletics Craft Kits (Treasure Chest Series) by Arma Dei
Seven already-researched and formatted templates for
Catechism and Prayer based activities and crafts,
inspired by some of our most popular activities and crafts in 
Limited permission to photocopy for one classroom for one term
or for all the kids who live in your house!

Catholic Lingo Bingo

Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)
Catechism Catcher Review
Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Catholic Lingo Bingo

Product Details
1 color cover, 16 black and white templates including instructions, master set and 15  (ready-to-color 8.5″x11″) bingo cards, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic11″x 9″ envelope.

This kit includes a Bingo game, teaching the Vessels, Vestments and Sacramentals
The templates can also be used for a matching game.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 105g

Color Me Catholic

Cathletics Craft Kit

Monica McConkey (Author)

Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside Color Me Catholic
Check out the **NEW**VIDEO**
Color Me Catholic Tutorial 

Product Details

1 color cover, 4 black and white (double sided) templates, 2 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create 4 mini-booklets, each offering 8 mini coloring pages of treasured Vessels & Vestments & Sacramentals plus pages of phrases from the Mass in sequential order. 
A template is also included to create a folder to hold the booklets.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 85g

Prayer Bank
Cathletics Craft Kit

Monica McConkey (Author)

Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside Prayer Bank

Product Details

1 color cover, 5 black and white templates including instructions, clipart for prayer folders, a starter set of 29 prayers and 8 envelopes for your first Prayer Bank.  Permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use is included.  All pages are contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create a special folder with envelope pockets to hold a starter set of prayers (included) and future collections of prayers; inspired at home or in the classroom,  and holy cards with classic prayers from favorite saints and devotions.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 119g

Catechism Catcher

Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)
Catechism Catcher Review
Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Catcher

Check out the VIDEO:
 Catechism Catcher Tutorial

Product Details
1 color cover, 2 black and white templates, instructions, 5 “ready to fold” copies printed on colored paper, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic11″x 9″ envelope.

This kit includes instructions and 2 templates to create the classic folded craft, packed with Catechism terms & graphics for quizzing activity or a unique reference tool.  

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 65g

Spiritual Bouquet of
Prayer Petal Flowers
Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)

Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Spiritual Bouquet
Product Details
1 color cover, 7 black and white templates, 7 page starter set on colored paper,
permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

This kit includes instructions, templates and clipart to create 3 prayer petal flowers based on the prayers of the Rosary, as well as 1 prayer petal flower based on the prayers of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Clipart is included to explain the concept of a Spiritual Bouquet and to create beautiful cards for the person who is prayed for. A starter set is included, printed on suggested colored stock.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 96g

Catechism Cube
Cathletics Craft Kit

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Catechism Cube

Product Details

1 color cover, 7 black and white templates, 7 page starter set on colored paper, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create a 3D cube, packed with Catechism terms and graphics for a quizzing tool or classroom decoration. Study bookmarks offering definitions for all the terms, are included within the templates.   A starter set is included, printed on suggested colored stock.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 137g

Advent & Lent Quest 

Cathletics Craft Kit
Monica McConkey (Author)

Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside Advent & Lent Quest

Product Details

1 color cover, 4 black and white templates including instructions, suggestions and challenge links, a starter set on recommended color stock and permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create a paper chain for Advent and Lent, either assembling it, link by link, as the Season progresses, or removing one link at a time, in anticipation of Christmas or Easter.  Suggestions are included, offering how the challenge strips may become part of other practices and traditions of the Season.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2007)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 80g
A similar listing of the Journey with Jesus Cathletics Craft Kits
will be posted soon.

Baby Book and Journal…turned Catholic!

We have all seen and perhaps filled in a baby book
 for the first year of a child’s life.
Have you noticed how much kids (especially 8-12 year olds) 
enjoy the “All about me” Journal, scrapbook or quizzbook?
How about a Catholic Faith Journal
perfect for the Baby Book or Baptism gift,
recording family details and memories…
and their unique Journey of Faith.

Pass on to the child at First Reconciliation, or use as
a workbook to fill in together on “Mommy and me” or “Daddy and me” dates
or enjoy this practical and solid Catholic “big kid” present for First Holy Communion.

How about a special momento of the child’s Journey of Faith,

to be filled out and cherished as Confirmation preparation or as a unique Confirmation gift?
Invite the young adult to reflect on their prayer life and growing relationship with Jesus.


Have you looked for something to teach your kids about all the Sacraments
…even those they haven’t received? 
Get them thinking about the priests in their life,
the Catholic weddings they have attended
and the sick who they are praying for:

Hand in hand with Jesus
by Monica and Kelly McConkey

Two Journals in one!  The first section of the Faith Journal traces the teaching and celebration
 of the seven Sacraments and the Catholic Faith. The second section of the Faith Journal (“Heart to heart with Jesus”) offers thought provoking questions and reflections on life and a growing relationship with Jesus.
This hardcover, concealed coil book is packed with prompting reflections and questions, tracing the child’s Catholic journey of Faith: the celebration of the Sacraments, the growing knowledge of the Catholic Faith through Catechism and Tradition and the child’s deepening personal relationship with Jesus.
Catechism references are included to look up specific questions, although there is a complete answer key in the back of the book for Catechism based questions.
$24.95 + shipping.  Order your Hand in hand with Jesus here. 
(Make the most of shipping by purchasing 3 or more.)
Buy this one-of-a-kind Faith Journal for your children, grandchildren and Godchildren…
Celebrate each child’s Journey of Faith!