Color Me Catholic Cathletics Craft Kit

Color Me Catholic:
New Roman Missal Edition!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM      

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping
Look inside Color Me Catholic
Check out the **NEW**VIDEO**
Color Me Catholic Tutorial 
1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.
Visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store
 to save money and purchase your PDF version right away
and print it on your own home printer!
Price: $14 U.S.
Product Details

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 95g
Instructions and templates to create 10 mini-booklets, each offering 8 mini coloring pages of treasured Vessels, Vestments & Symbols, Church Furnishings, Parts of the Mass and Sacraments & Sacramentals plus 8 pages of phrases from the New Roman Missal Mass in sequential order. 
A template is also included to create a folder to hold the booklets.
The full collection allows for exposure to most of the text of the Mass (especially all the “People’s Parts”) and many images, easily reviewed over 10 Masses.  Why not re-circulate the booklets for the next 10 Masses, for even better familiarity, getting kids to look and listen during Mass?

Unlike lapbooking, these mini-booklets are meant to be read like a book.  There are 10 mini-booklets in all that cover treasured Vessels, Vestments & Symbols, Church Furnishings, Parts of the Mass and Sacraments & Sacramentals plus 8 pages of phrases from the New Roman Missal Mass in sequential order. Check out Laura’s review of Color Me Catholic!


These Mass booklets are a perfect size for little hands and material is covered a little at a time to keep children’s attention without being too overwhelming.  Check out A Slice of Smith Life for the whole review!  It has a lot of information and great pictures!

The pictures are very well done and interesting to look at and color.  The books were a help to my older kids and my younger kids.  These books also helped me to teach [my two second graders] about the Mass and all the items they see at church.

I could tell immediately, that they loved the size of the books and they went through them swiftly asking many questions.  They enjoyed pointing out what they knew but most of it was new to them.  They spontaneously quizzed each other to see who knew the answer to the question.  It was a great tool to generate conversation about what they see in Church, what it is used for and who wears or uses which item.  I plan to use this as an on-going learning experience for my class and then bring them into Church to make the connection.  My 11 year old son even learned a thing or two while looking through the mini-booklets.   Please check out Rosary’s Mom’s Review of Color Me Catholic

This was a great product and one I think all Catholic families would enjoy. The booklets are a wonderful hands on way to really get your kids to learn parts of mass and get involved. They are small enough for even the tiniest hands to hold. The folder that keeps them all in one place is perfect. They are a great edition to a Mass bag for families to take to church with them. Families are not the only ones who would enjoy them they would be wonderful for a Catholic school religion class for all the grades.  Please read Shannon’s Review of Color Me Catholic.

They are well drawn, easy to use, and informative…If your kid is a missal user , or uses their Mass book then these would be great. But even if they do not use it  during Mass, coloring the booklets, talking about it when you put them together, your children would still learn a great deal. So far I give this product 2 BIG thumbs up!!  Please check out the entire Teaching Saints’ Review.
Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition (Paper Version)
Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping   

Purchase NOW and receive INSTANTLY to print at home!
Downloadable PDF version
Price: $14 U.S.
Add to Cart

The Reviews are In: Links of LightBulbs (11)

(1) Tracy says “These Mass booklets are a perfect size for little hands and material is covered a little at a time to keep children’s attention without being too overwhelming.”  Check out Slice of Smith Life for the complete review! 

The folder holds the entire collection of 10 booklets as shown here:

My thoughts:   I enjoy using Monica’s product with my children.  These Mass booklets are a perfect size for little hands and material is covered a little at a time to keep children’s attention without being too overwhelming.  My children will be using these booklets and coloring them a little at a time as we review the Mass responses.  I will be using Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition as weekly guides to teach during our religion classes during our homeschool days.  I think the more we use them the more familiar our family will be with the new mass responses, which is the intention of the product.

If you would like to read another review about this product, be sure to go to Laura’s blog at Day by Day in our World and read her review HERE
Thanks, Laura!

Check out Crafolic for another review of Color Me Catholic!  Love these pictures of the kids coloring! Thanks, Jennifer!

Rosary Mom reviews Color Me Catholic

Teaching Saints:

Win a FREE printable to teach the NEW MASS!

Subscribe to EquippingCatholicFamilies or comment on this post for a chance to win a free printable!
Subscribe AND comment for double chances to win!
“Like” our facebook page for yet another chance to win!

The New Roman Missal starts THIS WEEKEND!

Color Me Catholic:
New Roman Missal Edition!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM      

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping
Look inside Color Me Catholic
Check out the **NEW**VIDEO**
Color Me Catholic Tutorial 

Visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and purchase your PDF version right away and print it on your own home printer!
Price: $14 U.S.
Instructions and templates to create 10 mini-booklets, each offering 8 mini coloring pages of treasured Vessels, Vestments & Symbols, Church Furnishings, Parts of the Mass and Sacraments & Sacramentals plus 8 pages of phrases from the New Roman Missal Mass in sequential order. 
A template is also included to create a folder to hold the booklets.

The full collection allows for exposure to most of the text of the Mass (especially all the “People’s Parts”) and many images, easily reviewed over 10 Masses.  Why not re-circulate the booklets for the next 10 Masses, for even better familiarity, getting kids to look and listen during Mass?
Product Details

1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 95g
Paper Version Price: $16 + shipping

or visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and print your own kit for $14.

Subscribe to EquippingCatholicFamilies or comment on this post for a chance to win a free printable!
Subscribe to EquippingCatholicFamilies or comment on this post for a chance to win a free printable!
Subscribe AND comment for double chances to win!
“Like” our facebook page for yet another chance to win!

New Mass next weekend! A peek inside Color Me Catholic!

 The New Roman Missal starts November 26/27, 2011!
Find out how to WIN a free printable here!

Color Me Catholic:
New Roman Missal Edition!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM      

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping
Look inside Color Me Catholic
Check out the **NEW**VIDEO**
Color Me Catholic Tutorial 

Visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and purchase your PDF version right away and print it on your own home printer!
Price: $14 U.S.
Instructions and templates to create 10 mini-booklets, each offering 8 mini coloring pages of treasured Vessels, Vestments & Symbols, Church Furnishings, Parts of the Mass and Sacraments & Sacramentals plus 8 pages of phrases from the New Roman Missal Mass in sequential order. 
A template is also included to create a folder to hold the booklets.

The full collection allows for exposure to most of the text of the Mass (especially all the “People’s Parts”) and many images, easily reviewed over 10 Masses.  Why not re-circulate the booklets for the next 10 Masses, for even better familiarity, getting kids to look and listen during Mass?
Product Details

1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 95g
Paper Version Price: $16 + shipping

or visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and print your own kit for $14.

Special Offer for Catholic Bookstore Owners!!! Free Fun Craft Kit to teach the New Mass for 10 Catholic bloggers!

The countdown is on! 
The New English Translation of the Mass will begin very soon!

The Color Me Catholic:
Roman Missal Edition
makes 10 booklets,  each with a different selection of phrases of the New Mass  (in chronological order) to get us all familiar with the new text. 
The little booklets also have 8 great coloring pages each,
with illustrations teaching
the Vessels,
  the Vestments,
  Symbols, Church Furnishings,
Parts of the Mass,
and Sacraments!

I am offering free downloads for
Catholic Bookstore Owners
who would like to review this craft kit
and possibly carry it at their store!
You can copy the kit and hand out a booklet for each customer…
Keep the kids busy in your store while their Moms shop and get happy Moms returning to your store! 
Leave a comment below or email me for your free download!

YOU get to download, print and color these 10 booklets within your family …have them in hand at the first 10 Masses of the new Liturgical Calendar and then you can print them again for the next 10 Masses!

Watch as your children become more familiar with the New Text of the Mass and the awesome Artifacts of our Catholic Faith!
To apply to receive a FREE download of
Color Me Catholic: Roman Missal Edition, please submit a comment below or email me privately at
Monica{at}ArmaDei{dot}com.  Please include the name of your Catholic blog and “free Color Me Catholic” in the subject line of your email!

A fun way to teach kids the new Mass! Countdown is on!

Looking for a fun way
to teach kids the new Mass?

Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition!

Cathletics Craft Kit TM

Monica McConkey (Author)  

Look inside Color Me Catholic
Check out the **NEW**VIDEO**
Color Me Catholic Tutorial 
Purchase NOW
and receive your kit INSTANTLY
to print at home! 
Visit our new
Craft Kit Printables Online Store
 (or click on the “add to cart” button below!)
Downloadable PDF version
Price: $14 U.S.
Add to Cart

Product Details
1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.

Instructions and templates to create 10 mini-booklets, each offering 8 mini coloring pages of treasured Vessels, Vestments & Symbols, Church Furnishings, Parts of the Mass and Sacraments & Sacramentals plus 8 pages of phrases from the New Roman Missal Mass in sequential order. 
A template is also included to create a folder to hold the booklets.

The full collection allows for exposure to most of the text of the Mass (especially all the “People’s Parts”) and many images, easily reviewed over 10 Masses.  Why not re-circulate the booklets for the next 10 Masses, for even better familiarity, getting kids to look and listen during Mass?

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Printed Weight: 94g

Paper Version Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping

Visit our Cathletics Craft Kit page to see our other Cathletics Craft Kits available in the paper version.