(1) Perpetual Calendar
This is one of the gifts we have made over the years for our whole extended family…one for each household and tailored to our family tree.

How about a Family Guess Who Game of familiar faces.
We made the family versions for both sides of our family last year for Christmas…so we have the deluxe version with both sets of templates.
You can make templates with pictures of your family and friends. Imagine what funny questions you can ask to narrow the search, given how well you know your loved ones!
Check out my templates for a Saints version of the Guess Who!?
(3) Family Treasure Chest
We collected award certificates, newspaper articles, Sacrament certificates, report cards, a filled-out family tree, favorite pictures, special letters or cards between family members, birth announcements or special family newsletters, family trivia and any other special artifacts recording our family history.
We made photocopies of each article, creating collections for each family of relatives.
We created a treasure chest out of a laundry box to store all the articles in and presented each treasure chest to a different family, reminding them that they can continue to add to their collection.
This is also an idea from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families
(4) Photo CD
Having collected the family photos over the years and even scanning older pictures from family albums, I have quite the collection of photos! One Christmas, I compiled a CD of all the favorite family photos I could find, organizing them into a different folder for each family. Each family received the whole collection on a CD full of photos. As the collection grows…it may require a DVD which can be formatted as a slide show as desired.
(5) Picture Book
We have created a number of photo books…sometimes with captions
and sometimes illustrating a crazy story
made up by my husband and the kids.
We even made up a whole spy story with our pictures from our trip to Australia.
Now, there seem to be endless photo book services online to create a photo book and have it printed professionally, but we assembled our own with bristol board,
scrapbooking paper and prong fasteners.
(6) Family Cook Book
Collect the special family recipes from as many relatives as possible. If possible…request them to be hand written on index cards. Scan or photocopy, organize and assemble them into a scrapbook or album, making copies for each family. Your local printshop can spiral bind pages for an easy-to-use version.
You may even want to make special copies for the young adults who are starting out on their own!
(7) Photo Coasters & Trays
(8) Family Trivia
Start building a list of questions and quotes for a special trivia game. Perhaps you could enlist each family to come up with 5 or 10 questions to even out the playing field.
(9) Family Movies
What are your ideas for Homemade Extended Family Gifts?
Linked to the Festival of Links: Christmas 2011
and the Fiestas de Enlaces