Cathletics Craft Kit Printables LAUNCH!

NOW AVAILABLE at the Arma Dei Craft Kit Printables Online Store!

Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition 
(printed version: $16 + shipping)  printable version: $14

Catholic Lingo Bingo (English)
(printed version: $12 + shipping)  printable version: $10

Catholic Lingo Bingo (En Espanol)
(printed version: currently not available) printable version: $14

Catholic Family Calendar
(printed version: currently not available) printable version: $14

Journey with Jesus: Sacraments (all 7) 
(printed version: $16 + shipping)  printable version: $14

Journey with Jesus: Reconciliation & Holy Communion
(printed version: $16 + shipping)  printable version: $14

Journey with Jesus through the Sacraments

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This kit offers layouts of catechism questions (with answer keys!) and reflection questions to help teach and celebrate the Sacraments, including material based on  the Commandments,
Sin, the Domestic Church and the Stations of the Cross.
This kit teaches and celebrates all 7 Sacraments
not just the ones your child has received, helping them to reflect on
Marriage (what weddings have I been to? 
who married my parents?)
Holy Orders (name the priest who gave me my First Sacraments,
who is my pastor? my bishop? our Pope?)
and the Anointing of the Sick (who are we praying for? 
when have our loved ones passed away?)
As with all of our Cathletics Craft Kits,
each kit comes with permission
to photocopy for one full class for one term
or for all the kids living in your house!

The square templates can be cut to fit into an
or folded according to the enclosed instructions
Coloring and scrapbooking techniques are recommended
to embellish the layouts.

For more information about our
please check out

Kelly Comics to Kelly’s Pastels

We just posted this on The Catholic Illustrator’s Guild
13 year old Kelly has switched to pastels. 
She is now using pastels for sketches, school projects, caricatures…you name it.
You should see her bedroom wall. =)

Here is her portrait of St Francis.  I’m not sure if this is the first one she did that she didn’t like or the second one that she’s submitting for a project at school.  I caught a picture of it, before it gets rolled or stuffed in her backpack for school.
I couldn’t resist including her latest self-portrait.  If you have seen Kelly in the last year, she was probably wearing her red wool hat (yes, even in the summer months).  She was inspired to create this self-portrait ‘in the style of “Epic Mickey”‘.  If you’re familiar with the “Epic Mickey” Wii game, you’ll appreciate this!
You’ll find Kelly Comics on her facebook page and on our family blog Equipping Catholic Families.

Catholic Bilingual Bingo GIVEAWAY! NEW Spanish Version!

This is a BIG deal, considering that up here in Canada, our second language is FRENCH!

We have had many requests to translate our products
and THANKS to my friend Xhonane of Familia Católica,
we our releasing our FIRST Spanish Cathletics Craft Kit:

1.  by subscribing to Equipping Catholic Families
2. leaving a comment below.
Please include your email address or email me your email address
for the quickest way to claim your Craft Kit!

…and if you’d really like to win…
3. “Like” our Arma Dei facebook page
AND leave a comment on the wall for another chance to win.

The comments are very important…
and the best way for me to keep track of entries for this GIVEAWAY! 
Please include your email address or email me your email address for the quickest way
to claim your pdf Cathletics Craft Kits if you WIN!
The WINNER will get to choose their prize!
1. Catholic Lingo Bingo PLUS
Catholic Lingo Bingo Versión en Español,
(both pdf downloadable)
2. Catholic Lingo Bingo (English or Spanish) PLUS
(both pdf downloadable)
3. Catholic Lingo Bingo (English or Spanish) PLUS
Check out my friend Xhonane’s REVIEW and GIVEAWAY of
Lingo Bingo Católico at Familia Católica,
Versión electrónica en Español
Xhonane graciously agreed to help with the translation of the Catholic Lingo Bingo craft kit! 
She has been so wonderful to work with and the Spanish Version of Catholic Lingo Bingo is now available for sale on her site as well!  She is offering a special deal on her new e-book  Libro “El Año Liturgico en Familia” as well, along with a special GIVEAWAY!
I love to see how Xhonane has used the Catholic Lingo Bingo Craft Kit with her family.  She even gives her specific approach to teaching the Vessels and Vestments and the various ways that the kit can be used as a Bingo Game and as a Matching Game.

Catholic Lingo Bingo!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM

Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $12 U.S.
Look inside the Catholic Lingo Bingo
Purchase NOW and receive INSTANTLY
to print at home!
Downloadable PDF version  Price: $9.99 U.S.

Purchase Catholic Lingo Bingo: Add to Cart

NEW: Versión en Español Price $9.99 U.S.
Purchase Catholic Lingo Bingo: Spanish  Add to Cart

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Product Details

1 color cover, 16 black and white templates including instructions, master set and 15  (ready-to-color 8.5″x11″) bingo cards, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic11″x 9″ envelope.
This kit includes a Bingo game, teaching the Vessels, Vestments and Sacramentals
The templates can also be used for a matching game.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Printed Weight: 120g
Return to our Cathletics Craft Kit page to order the
Paper Version of Catholic Lingo Bingo (English)

$12 U.S. plus shipping

Please include your email address or email me your email address
for the quickest way to claim your Craft Kit!

The Catholic Lingo Bingo is now available
in English AND Spanish!

a Treasure Chest in a Book: a Family Tradition

Build your own Family Culture and Traditions…and start during Ordinary Time!

Collect family artifacts and treasures: keep a collection of family documents, classic photos, newspaper articles, certificates, letters from the toothfairy or letters to Santa, programs from funeral Masses, graduations, wedding invitations, birthday invitations, letters of acceptance, report cards…even if they are photocopies of the real thing!

This is what we created our Family Treasure Chest for!

These and other family-centric activities, crafts and traditions 

Altered Collage Books:  a Treasure Chest in a Book!
Years ago, I was fascinated by the books Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence.
“Thus begins the strange and intriguing correspondence of Griffin and Sabine.  It is a story that is partly a romance, partly a mystery, and completely a work of art.  Each page contains a new card or letter…the complete correspondence tells an extraordinary story in an extraordinary way.”
The whole book is packed with stamped letters and postcards, with striking images and artwork.
As I began collecting special cards and letters for each of my kids, I decided I would also write my own letters to them: my goal is to write one for each child, at least once a year.  While I have probably missed a few opportunities…my collections of letters and cards are fairly impressive, for each of the children.
Intrigued by the Griffin and Sabine books, I began my own altered collage books: one for each child, in a story book that reminded me of them! Click this link at for some resources to make your own altered collage books !

I decided to use “Enchantment in the Garden”, adding pictures from “The Fairy Tale Catalogue”.

I was enthused by the illustrations in the books.  In this one, I cut a window in one page, to show the illustration in the next.  I glued the pages together and added gesso to make it a little dream-like.

I painted over words of the story, to make room for our own pictures and of course letters (sometimes in their envelopes) and cards that flip open.

I’m excited about “Max” (the Superhero)…and it’s still appropriate, even though I bought it when my almost-11-year-old was a toddler!  I look forward to blending in cartoon versions of our family within these pages!  Maybe I’ll use some Kelly Comics!

Now I need to buy some books for my youngest two! Good thing I already have their card collections started!  I think these altered collage books will be a lot more fun than the manilla envelopes that are currently holding the cards and letters!

Check out other Extraordinary Ideas for Ordinary Time and join in on the linky!

Lingo Bingo Católico, 
Versión electrónica en Español
por Arma Dei, Apotolado de la Familia McConkey
¿Qué es el Lingo Bingo Católico?

Es un juego educativo para niños para enseñar un total de 28 objetos litúrgicos, vestiduras y sacramentales:
– Sacramentario, Altar, Estaciones de la Cruz, Acetre, Hisopo, Cenizas, Campanas Sacras, Incensario, Naveta, Misal, Reclinatorio, Pila de Agua Bendita, Pila Bautismal, Estatua, Estola, Casulla, Vinajeras, Cirio Pascual, Veladoras, Sobrepelliz, Lavamanos, Toalla, Custodia, Tabernáculo, Píxide, Copón, Leccionario, Ambón, Los Santos Óleos, Escapulario, Hostia, Patena, Cáliz, Palia, Purificador, Corporal, Alba, Sotana, Rosario, Confesionario, Lámara del Santuario, Crucifijo, Sacerdote y Monaguillo.
El juego incluye una hoja con todos los dibujos en mini-tarjetas (foto izquierda) y 15 páginas con 9 dibujos cada una (foto derecha), las cuales se pueden usar de diferentes maneras (esto lo explico más adelante):
Cada uno de estos dibujos son creación original de Mónica McConkey, co-fundadora de Arma Dei. Este juego me encantó desde que ví la versión en inglés y me emocioné mucho cuando Mónica me pidió ayuda para verificar la traducción al español  :  )    Esta experiencia ha sido muy enriquecedora para mi, pues descubrí que había palabras que desconocía, como: Sobrepelliz, Sacramentario y Píxide. ¿Tú las conoces todas?
Le doy gracias a Dios por mujeres como Mónica que han puesto sus talentos al servicio de la Iglesia, ¿a poco no te parecen estupendos estos dibujos?

¿Cómo se puede usar este material?

Este juego se puede imprimir en papel cartoncillo para que quede más firme o en papel regular para después laminarse (esto fue lo que yo hice):

En las instrucciones se ofrecen dos formas principales para jugar:
– En la primera, se juega como Bingo (o Lotería en México). Se recortan las mini-tarjetas y después de revolverse, se van presentando a los niños para que ellos busquen el dibujo en su tarjeta, y si la encuentran, colocan una ficha. Gana el primero que llene la tarjeta. 
– En la segunda opción, se juega como juego de Memoria. Primero se recortan todas las tarjetas, después se seleccionan dos de cada una. Se revuelven y se ponen boca abajo. Cada niño se va turnando para encontrar el par y gana el que tenga más pares.
Este juego va a complementar muy bien el vocabulario de mis hijos, pues aunque nosotros ya habíamos estudiado algunas palabras de objetos litúrgicos, no incluímos muchas de las palabras que este juego tiene. 
¿Cómo lo usamos nosotros?
Lo primero que hicimos fue colorear algunos de los dibujos. Esto pienso hacerlo poco a poco, pues son muchos para hacerse en una sola vez. Según como decidas imprimirlo, es la forma en que se puede colorear. Como yo laminé el juego, usamos plumones de tinta permanente y quedó muy bien.

Después, hice un repaso para ver cuántas palabras reconocían. Les leí cada una de las palabras y les pedí que contaran el número de palabras que se sabían. 
Luego, para introducirlos a las nuevas palabras, les fui diciendo cada una para que ellos la buscaran dentro de las tarjetas que les había dado. El primero en encontrarla, tenía que describir el tipo de objeto. 

Más adelante, pienso jugar Lotería y Memoria con ellos para reforzar las palabras. Como ves, es un juego muy versátil y fexible. Además, por ser un juego electrónico tienes la opción de poder imprimirlo las veces que sean necesarias.

¿Cómo se puede adquirir?

Este juego lo puedes adquirir aquí mismo. Arma Dei, tiene la opción de ser un “Afiliado” de su sitio, en donde da una comisión por venta de sus productos. De esta manera, al comprar el Lingo Bingo Católico, Familia Católica estará recibiendo el 25% de la venta.
Lingo Bingo Católico
Autor: Mónica McConkey, Arma Dei
Precio: $9.99 dólares
Archivo PDF 
(para descargar inmediatamente e imprimir en casa)
Buy Now

Nota: En los términos de este blog, he especificado que siempre identificaré cualquier compensación recibida al promover cualquier artículo y que sólo aceptaré aquellos que yo pueda recomendar: Mónica me envió una muestra gratis de este juego como agradecimiento a mi colaboración en la edición de esta versión en español.  Esta reseña del producto es sincera y busqué explícitamente no ser influenciada por el hecho de que este juego fue un regalo.

Last Minute Gift: Catholic Family Calendar!

Last Minute Gift:  all you need is a printer for a treasured family gift for
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins!

The Build-Your-Own
Catholic Family Perpetual Calendar!
with Kelly Comics illustrations.

Each month has a complete path of dates to record your family birth dates, Sacrament dates. anniversaries and dates of when loved ones passed away.
The sticky notes and notepaper background already have key feast dates and monthly devotions recorded, with ample space to add your own favorite feast days and “family firsts”.

Purchase NOW and receive INSTANTLY to print at home!
Downloadable PDF version
Price: $14 U.S.  
SPECIAL DISCOUNT from December 19-28, 2011: 
50% OFF
Use CODE: lastminutegift

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Product Details

This kit includes a full color calendar (ready to add your family dates and copy for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins!).
This kit also includes a black & white version for your family to color with pencil crayons, record your special dates and copy for all your relatives.
This kit ALSO includes a full month by month index of patron saints, so that you can add your special family patron saints to each month.
Binding options require either spiral binding (at a print shop) OR securing pages to a dollarstore sketchpad OR a big clip (with optional magnets) for the “Clipboard Calendar” version as seen in photo above.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Printed Weight: 102g

Also available:  Kelly Comics Family Calendar

with Kelly Comics illustrations.
This includes the same calendar template as the Catholic Family Calendar, without the bulletin board background or Catholic devotions and key feastdays already recorded.

you’ll find it in the Treasure Chest…

Kelly Comics Family Calendar: easy Family Keepsake Gift for all your relatives!

…all you need is a printer for the:
Kelly ComicsTM Family Calendar
with Kelly Comics illustrations.

Each month has a complete path of dates to record your family birth dates, Sacrament dates. anniversaries and dates of when loved ones passed away.  Index of Saints Feastdays is included for optional reference…to record your favorite Patron Saint Feastdays.

The Catholic Family Calendar is also available!

Purchase NOW and receive INSTANTLY to print at home!
Downloadable PDF version of Kelly Comics Family Calendar
Price: $14 U.S.   SPECIAL DISCOUNT from December 19-28, 2011:  50% OFF
Use CODE: lastminutegift

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Product Details

This kit includes a full color calendar (ready to add your family dates and copy for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins!).
This kit also includes a black & white version for your family to color with pencil crayons, record your special dates and copy for all your relatives.
This kit ALSO includes a full month by month index of patron saints, so that you can add your special family patron saints to each month.
Binding options require either spiral binding (at a print shop) OR securing pages to a dollarstore sketchpad OR a big clip (with optional magnets) for the “Clipboard Calendar” version as seen in photo here.

Publisher:  Arma Dei (2011)

Language:  English
Product Dimension:  9″x11″
Printed Weight: 102g