(3) Shower of Roses Paper Nativity
(6) Edible Nativity from AOK Corral
(7) Magnetic Nativity from CutoutandKeep.net
(8) Modelled Nativity from Melanies Crafts

(3) Shower of Roses Paper Nativity
(6) Edible Nativity from AOK Corral
(7) Magnetic Nativity from CutoutandKeep.net
(8) Modelled Nativity from Melanies Crafts
Button Code: http://www.equippingcatholicfamilies.com/2011/11/homemade-nativities-links-of-light.html”> border=”0″ hda=”true” height=”200″ src=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rb7FFH1fRRo/TtK9AhC_aCI/AAAAAAAABRI/0vAwO38yiU8/s200/nativity_linky_2.jpg” width=”200″ />
Button Code: http://www.equippingcatholicfamilies.com/2011/11/homemade-nativities-links-of-light.html”> border=”0″ hda=”true” height=”200″ src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0sT3Bdfmt2o/TtK9Me7PvwI/AAAAAAAABRQ/d2v5zhyLU4s/s200/nativity_linky_3.jpg” width=”200″ />
The New Roman Missal starts THIS WEEKEND!
Color Me Catholic:
New Roman Missal Edition!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM
1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.
Publisher: Arma Dei (2011)
or visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and print your own kit for $14.
I am a wife, Mom of 5+ kids, a designer, an architecture school survivor, an author and a crafter and I think it’s cool to be Catholic. My husband and I founded a Catholic apostolate called Arma Dei, creating solid Catholic, fun teaching tools and gifts to celebrate and teach the Catholic Faith. I like to find activities and crafts that kids like to do…and convert them to be Catholic! I also like to pass along other family-building ideas and traditions…to help justify the time I spend putting into them. =)
We live in Canada in the same, cute little town I grew up in. We convert our swingset into a splash pad in the summer and our clubhouse becomes the launchpad for a luge run that wraps around a hockey rink in our backyard, each winter. We are the only people I know, who shovel the snow in our backyard before we clear our driveway.
Check out the rest of my big interview on Suzy’s Artsy Craftsy Sitcom!
A pleasure meeting you, Suzy…and Tom Selleck and his Movember followers, Brad, Bill and Bieber.
John Eklund writes of the journey of Frederick, who, in the midst of personal crisis feels compelled to record historical events and figures within the context of a third installment of the Bible: The Third Testament. Presented through the thoughts, conversations and discoveries of his main character, John Eklund’s approach removes himself from presumption: because after all, who in this day and age could write an addition to the Bible, that would be widely accepted as a necessary and Holy Spirit-inspired expansion of the Bible?
We walk beside the main character as he struggles through personal issues, adding credibility and humanity to his awesome task. Although I was not expecting as much of a personal story of the main character, as an historical presentation of the last 2000 years within the context of the Church, Fred’s journey is honest and heart-wrenching and it’s difficult not to invest in his story. We are reminded of the humanity of the Biblical writers and their struggles (think of Job!) and we are refreshed by the solace Fred finds in recording our Church history.
I found the historical accounts of events and the lives of the saints interesting and informative. I enjoyed reading new stories about saints I am familiar with as much as I enjoyed the connections between historical events and figures I knew very little about.
While the occasional conversation/inner thought seemed a little contrived and the juxtaposition of other source quotes and Fred’s summaries of events sometimes felt repetitive, I want to read this book Fred is working on, in its entirety! I am eager to read his ordered and detailed account of the last 2000 years and to be inspired by his judgment of what events and which historical figures make the cut!
Impressed with the outline provided on the last few pages of this book, I am eager to read the book within this book: “The Third Testament” allegedly written by the main character Fred… and I’m confident many will find it compelling!
Color Me Catholic:
New Roman Missal Edition!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM
1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.
Publisher: Arma Dei (2011)
or visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and print your own kit for $14.
(1) New for Pinterest Fans! Cool 2B Catholic Pinterest PINBOARD Share
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(3) Add your own favorite games and crafts
that have been Converted 2 Catholic!
(4) Ask for help from the Saints with these special prayers!
Add your own favorite prayers…both classic and spontaneous to the
Favorite Prayer Share!
(5) Catholic Conferences Add your favorite Catholic (and Christian) conferences for homeschoolers, Religious Educators and retreats or special events for all Catholics.
Auntie Ingrid has knitted amazing gifts for us over the years. She knitted outfits for my brother and me…and those same outfits have been worn by my kids! She is known for her amazing baby blankets…and I’m proud to say that our family with 5 kids probably has the biggest collection!
Then there was the hat she gave Kelly last Christmas. Kelly has officially worn the pom-poms off that hat, but continues to wear it winter, spring, summer AND fall. We WILL sew the pom-poms back on soon.
And then there’s “Bunny”. Adam’s best friend is a little bunny that Auntie Ingrid made for his birthday. “Bunny” even made a special “solo” trip by UPS from Columbus, Ohio to our home in Canada, when we accidentally left him behind at the hotel, on our trip last month.
Although I was wondering why everyone was starting with the Christmas decorations so darn soon, I am now ready to bust out the Advent calendar and nativity…how could I not…when we just received THIS?
From what I understand, Auntie Ingrid used these patterns from Jean Greenhowe.
I also noticed a different pattern in a book called Knitivity. I wish I knew how to knit!!