holy rummoli pic

OK, so it isn’t rocket science, but I finally splurged to get a set of towels in a specially assigned color for each of the 5 kids. I know it sounds kind of geeky and the idea is anything but new…but I’m still impressed.
I bought a bath towel, hand towel and face cloth from IKEA for each kid. The cloth loop on the towels somehow makes it FUN to return the towel to the hook (as explained by my soon-to-be 15 year old!)
It has been almost 3 weeks, and I haven’t picked even one towel off of the floor! We’re hoping that this will reduce our flu and cold season too as they won’t be grabbing the first (shared) towel that they see.
Every quiet book needs a car page. This one comes complete with a garage, trees, a pond and a stop sign.
Reflecting our desire to take crafts and games and activities that kids like to do, and ‘convert them Catholic’, this is one of our Cathletics Craft Kits: the Catechism Catcher. Kid’s versions have been called the “cootie catcher” …what better way to catch some Catechism? It’s packed with categories of our Faith!
Consistent with all of our Cathletics Craft Kits, it comes with permission to photocopy for a whole class of kids for one year…or for all the kids who live in your house! There are two black and white templates for photocopying and 5 sheets, printed on colored stock.
We have this great deck of cards called the Cathletics Playing Cards. Each of the numbered cards have elements of the Catechism and the face cards are St Joseph (the Jack), Mother Mary (the Queen), Jesus (the King!) and the Trinity (the Ace).
How awesome is our Faith!?
We boast that you can play regular card games with this deck, or use them as flashcards…or use them in a combination of the two (asking ‘Catholic’ questions with each play of the game).
For years…(as evident on page 193 of A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families), I have wanted to create a Holy Rummoli game, using these Catholic cards.
Check out the FREE Catholic Rummoli artwork for use with a regular playing card deck.
Cathletics Rummoli artwork is available as well. Email me for the secret link!
Now, the Cathletics Playing Cards have their own set of suits reflecting the Trinity, but I think I can show the transformation of the black spade to the cross, and the red diamond to the Holy Spirit.
Now, I’m not going to show you the entire deck of Cathletics Playing Cards…because I have to keep something secret for those incented to buy our Cathletics Playing Cards!
Now, I know that there are many out there, who won’t buy this deck of cards…
For the sake of Holy Rummoli! I suggest that you can use some Sharpies and write some Catholic stuff on a deck of dollar store cards. These are the basics as I see them:
3 of Clubs: the Trinity
5’s: all 5 Mysteries of the Rosary
6 of Diamonds: 6+6 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(I know, tricky! =)
7 of Hearts : Virtues
7 of Diamonds: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
7 of Clubs: Sacraments
9 of Diamonds: Charisms of the Holy Spirit
10 of Hearts: Commandments
Q of Hearts: Immaculate Heart of Mary
K of Hearts: Sacred Heart of Jesus
K of Spades: King of the Cross
A of Clubs: the Trinity
Using a dollar store party platter, decide on which cards or combinations of cards will be most valuable, as regular Rummoli. Download Arma Dei Catholic Rummoli artwork for your regular deck of cards.
Check this out for regular Rummoli Rules.
Our Kelly is the newest member of The Catholic Illustrator’s Guild.
Check out her introduction.
My name is Kelly and I will be 13 in November.
When I was in Kindergarten, I was very unapproachable and stubborn. I cried. a lot. On my first day of school, my teacher suggested that we all draw self-portraits. Though all the other kids had A LOT of fun doing so, I tried and tried to make my drawing as good as something my older sister would draw, and failed. I cried and cried and even said the “s” word (”stupid”). What can I say? I was a Kindergarten rebel. I vowed never to draw again. But how could I do THAT?!? As weeks followed, although I remained unmanageable, I began to draw. In fact, the classroom was suddenly covered in my drawings. Yes, THAT is where I got my start.
I now draw everywhere,
on everything and all the time.
When I’m not doing so, I’m probably being pestered by one of my four other siblings or my crazy Dad.
(Sorry, Dad.)
I recently started drawing comics with characters of my own. My favorites are the ones I do about what my baby brother Adam does when no one is looking… like cooking, sky-diving, teaching spanish to the elderly (even though he can’t really talk yet)
and looking for a job.
I hope one day to be a famous artist…
but for now, I’d just like to show you some of my work.
Check out Kelly’s first animated movie “Adam-ation” and her introduction to Kelly Comics on our family blog called Equipping Catholic Families.
Kelly’s got her own facebook page too.
Watch for Kelly’s comic strips in upcoming issues of Faith & Family magazine!
Because of news of publication of Kelly’s Comics in FOUR upcoming issues of an awesome Catholic magazine that we all know and love, we were in need of a light table!
We needed Kelly to trace over her awesome sketches with a nice clean sharpie…and then add some color.
Without the use of power tools, we created our very own light table out of things we had on hand, purchasing only the picture frame for the drawing surface. We could have used a picture frame we already have, but I wanted a new one to have on hand for easy set-up. Check it out!