Journey with Jesus through the Sacraments
This kit offers layouts of catechism questions (with answer keys!) and reflection questions to help teach and celebrate the Sacraments, including material based on the Commandments,
Sin, the Domestic Church and the Stations of the Cross.
This kit teaches and celebrates all 7 Sacraments…
not just the ones your child has received, helping them to reflect on
Marriage (what weddings have I been to?
who married my parents?)
Holy Orders (name the priest who gave me my First Sacraments,
who is my pastor? my bishop? our Pope?)
and the Anointing of the Sick (who are we praying for?
when have our loved ones passed away?)
As with all of our Cathletics Craft Kits,
each kit comes with permission
to photocopy for one full class for one term
or for all the kids living in your house!
The square templates can be cut to fit into an
or folded according to the enclosed instructions
Coloring and scrapbooking techniques are recommended
to embellish the layouts.
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please check out
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