Cathletics Craft Kits: Treasure Chest Series
Select from 7 already-researched and formatted templates for Catechism and Prayer based activities and crafts. Limited permission to photocopy for single home or one classroom for one term.
Advent & Lent Quest 40 days worth of activities for Lent or Advent printed on strips to create a paper chain
Catechism Catcher classic folded craft, packed with Catechism terms & graphics for quizzing activity or reference tool
Color Me Catholic 4 mini-booklets, each offering 8 coloring pages of treasured Vessels & Vestments & Sacramentals plus phrases from the Mass
Prayer Petal Flowers hands-on craft creating a flower representing Rosary and Divine Mercy prayers
Prayer Bank create a book with folders to hold collection of prayers (29 sample prayer cards included)
Catechism Cube 3D cube, packed with Catechism terms and graphics for a quizzing tool or classroom decoration
Catholic Lingo Bingo has a set of bingo cards displaying different vessels and vestments and sacramentals. It can also be used as a matching game.
Cathletics Craft Kits: Journey with Jesus Series:
These kits teach and celebrate the Sacraments. Each kit comes with permission to photocopy for one full class for one term.
The square templates can be cut to fit into an 8”x8” constructed or store-bought scrapbook or folded according to the enclosed instructions for an ACCORDIAN BOOK. Coloring and scrapbooking techniques are recommended to embellish the layouts.
Journey with Jesus through the Sacraments
This kit offers layouts of catechism questions and reflection questions to help teach and celebrate all 7 Sacraments.
Journey with Jesus through Reconciliation and Holy Communion
This kit offers layouts of catechism questions and reflection questions tracing the preparation for and celebration of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Journey with Jesus through Confirmation
This kit offers layouts of catechism questions and reflection questions tracing the preparation for and celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.