Friendly, homemade Halloween costumes

No, they’re not Saints for an All Saints Party.  Our Catholic School can’t seem to let go of the Halloween “Spook-a-thon”, but I can at least insist that we have Friendly Halloween Costumes, without the gore or the scare factors.
These are some of our favorite homemade costumes!
 We still have this costume and 3 girls have worn it!  I was happy to find the black hoodie and attached little antennae to it.  The Lady Bug pillow backpack attaches with velcro straps.
I think this was my favorite!
The foam mattress-topper was on its’ way out,
so we recycled it for the wrap! 
It wasn’t easy sitting down, but it was a popular costume!
The knight armor was made out of cardboard and ducktape and spray painted black. The visor on the helmet moves up and down, thanks to either a brad or a nut&bolt combo.  I can’t remember, but I know I made sure that it didn’t poke him in the head.
 We still have a few pieces hanging around…we may have another knight this year!
The pencil was made out of fleece with a kraft paper and construction paper tip.

I can’t remember where I picked up the floral night gown,
but I just added the elastic ribbon at the bottom, to help it ‘fit’.

Another fleece and felt costume! 
It probably could have been stuffed with some extra material to actually make it round.
I love the purple fleece…so soft and cuddly and warm!  The eye-antennae had wires to try to prop them up.  That’s a dollar store mop, attached to the top of the hood.

4 thoughts on “Friendly, homemade Halloween costumes

  1. Monica,

    I share your pain — our Catholic school can’t let go of the scary Halloween thing yet either! My kids aren’t always so happy that they can’t be witches, devils, a monster, vampire, etc. like all their friends. It’s getting harder as the kids get older. (“No, even a cute witch is still a witch!!!”)

    I teach CCD classes and they have scheduled “trick or treating in the classroom” even though we don’t have CCD on Halloween, but several days before. So I will either hold a Saints party on that day (even if the kids have traditional Halloween costumes on), or the following week.

    It would be so much more fun (and meaningful) if Catholic schools and parishes would turn Halloween into a fun Saints day party instead.


  2. I love all your costumes. At our house, we were all set to dress our daughter as Blessed Kateri this year, but, alas, she has decided at the last minute that she wants to be Belle from (I think) Beauty and the Beast. We’ll save kateri for next year perhaps. thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas.

  3. Our Catholic school also does Halloween but my 1st grader insisted on going as St. Cecilia anyway. I’m happy to oblige. Maybe the administration will “get the hint”. 🙂

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