This is my first Links of Light Bulbs post! I will be posting collections of ideas that I have found online and hope to tweak for my family and for my blog. If you would like to join in with your own posts of collections of ideas, please borrow my button and join me with Links of Light Bulbs!
Theme: The Toilet Paper Roll: Recycled!
It was hard to narrow down to only 16 ideas for this one! Check out the sites credited, along with for a whole site devoted to reusing Toilet Paper Rolls for crafts and organization!
Planters by We need to try this next spring!
Quilling by Try spray-painting black or metallic!
Advent Calendar by This would be cool to combine with nativity pieces or Advent & Lent Quest
Cord organizer by I think I’ll make this for my desk drawer for all the USB cables for the computer: cameras, ipods…
Paper Lanterns by Cute decorations…maybe little messages could be written inside?
Gift Boxes by Painted pillow boxes!
Hot Rod Racers by Experiment with bottle caps for the wheels…or cereal box cardboard with the circle punch
Gold Mine Marble Run by An elaborate version of the marble run! Looks like fun!
Christmas Crackers by Lots of TP Roll ideas on this post!
Craft Caddy by Lots of uses for this caddy…lots of decorating options with scrapbooking paper!
Tinkertoy Tubes by Remember these classic toys? Easy to make this homemade set!
Knitting Tool by Nice homemade version to do this easy french knitting. I love the colorful version made here.
Castle by Endless play opportunity for little knights and princesses, using TP rolls and cereal box cardboard.
Tree Bracelet for the Birds by I came up with the name…but this is a neat bird feeder. I bet the squirrels will love it too…I wish it would lure them out of our soffits.
Cranky Faces by These are pretty cool…hard to believe they’re TP rolls!
BONUS! Check out these Dioramas

Check out these Dioramas
Thanks for the feature!!
What an honor! Thank you for featuring the Moffatt Girls bird feeder:) I love your sweet blog!
How cool!
Please feel free to link up to my Make Yourself Monday blog hop!
For Love of Cupcakes
Thanks for including us in your list! I can’t believe how much a person can do with a toilet paper tube 🙂
Thanks so much for mentioning our site!
It’s amazing how much you can do with something most people throw away. thanks for sharing. I am a new follower from Commercial Break Thursday. Vicky from