Already researched, formatted and printed paper craft kits!
Catechism Catcher (Retail: $13 PDF/$16Paper)
This kit includes TEN different themed templates of the classic folded paper quizzing tool! Themed templates include: Old Testament People, New Testament People, Sins/Sorrows/Stations, Vessels&Vestments, Mysteries of the Rosary, Mysteries of Faith, Gifts&Graces, Sacraments, Classic 16 Category and Rules to Live By
Tower Tumble (Retail: $10PDF/$13Paper)
The Tower Tumble Cathletics Craft Kit includes 56 Categories and Answers formatted as little tags to adhere to your Jenga blocks! They are easily scotch-taped in place and include references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and/or Scriptural References! Also included: JUMBO templates for Jumbo Jenga Blocks!
Catechism Cube (Retail: $10PDF/$13Paper)
12 Single Page Templates to mix and match for each (6-sided) cube. Choose from: Virtues, Gifts, Fruits and Charisms of the Holy Spirit, Commandments, Sacraments, Mysteries of the Rosary, Mysteries of Faith, the Nicene Creed (new Roman Missal translation), Stations of the Cross, Spiritual & Corporal Works and Precepts of the Church
Instructions and templates are included to create 3D cubes, packed with Catechism terms and graphics for a quizzing tool or classroom decoration. Study bookmarks offering definitions for all the terms, are included within the templates. Tailor this quizzing tool and Catechism decoration to your specific areas of study!
Shipping: $9
The Sale Price includes shipping for the Paper Craft Kits within the US/Canada.
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