Already researched, formatted and printed paper Craft Kit!
Reconciliation Reader: Sacraments with the Saints ($15PDF/$20 Premium Printed Craft Kit)
The Reconciliation Reader: Sacraments with the Saints Craft Kit features fill-in-the-blanks and writing prompts for Baptism and Reconciliation: capturing what they have learned and what they’d like to remember! The 34-page Reader format is printed in black and white, with 7 pages printed in color. Black and White templates are easily embellished with coloring and/or photocopied onto color stock.
Kelly SaintsTM clipart included in the kit and can be assembled as an 8.5″x5.5″ booklet, Paper Carousel or Table Accordion.
Also includes Kelly SaintsTM illustrated Classic Prayer cards and Illustrated Sacrament Quotes from your favorite Saints!
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