The folder holds the entire collection of 10 booklets as shown here:
My thoughts: I enjoy using Monica’s product with my children. These Mass booklets are a perfect size for little hands and material is covered a little at a time to keep children’s attention without being too overwhelming. My children will be using these booklets and coloring them a little at a time as we review the Mass responses. I will be using Color Me Catholic: New Roman Missal Edition as weekly guides to teach during our religion classes during our homeschool days. I think the more we use them the more familiar our family will be with the new mass responses, which is the intention of the product.
If you would like to read another review about this product, be sure to go to Laura’s blog at Day by Day in our World and read her review HERE.
Thanks, Laura!
Check out Crafolic for another review of Color Me Catholic! Love these pictures of the kids coloring! Thanks, Jennifer!
Rosary Mom reviews Color Me Catholic
Teaching Saints: