Please note:
we are experiencing some technical difficulties
with our paypal buttons.
First of all, we are resigned to offering two different shopping carts:
one with a yellow add to cart button for paper product purchases (shipping is added)
and one with a gray add to cart button for PDF purchases (no shipping added).
If you would like to purchase both paper products and PDF downloads, you will need to place two different orders or email me with your order:
If you are having difficulties placing an order, please email
with the names and quantities of the products
you would like to order.
you would like to order.
(1) Please specify PDF versions if you would prefer the download version
for Cathletics Craft Kits.I
for Cathletics Craft Kits.I
(2) Please include your complete mailing address for paper products to be shipped.
The total cost (with applicable shipping for paper products) will be calculated and you will be invoiced through the email address that you used. The order will be processed after payment via paypal is received.
This is our shipping schedule based on the total purchase price of paper products (not including purchase of PDFs).
$6 (total purchase: 0 ~ $19.99)
$13 (total purchase: $20 ~ $49.99)
$19 (total purchase: $50 ~ $99.99)
$24 (total purchase: $100 ~ $199.99)
$28 (total purchase: $200 ~ $299.99)
This is our best estimate of Canada Post prices, based on weight and package size.
If you are unreasonably overcharged for shipping, we will refund the difference via paypal
to the email address that you used for the transaction.
Thanks for your patience and thanks for your order!