The Reconciliation Reader: Sacraments with the Saints Craft Kit features fill-in-the-blanks and writing prompts for Baptism and Reconciliation: capturing what they have learned and what they’d like to remember! The 34-page Reader format is printed in black and white and easily embellished with full color
Kelly SaintsTM clipart included in the kit and can be assembled as an 8.5″x5.5″ booklet, Paper Carousel or Table Accordion.
Also includes Kelly SaintsTM illustrated Classic Prayer cards and Illustrated Sacrament Quotes from your favorite Saints!
Permission to copy for a class of 25…or for all the kids who live in your house.
Now Available: Holy Communion Reader: Sacraments with the Saints!
Easy add-on to your Sacraments with the Saints Reader!
Michelle –
Your Reconciliation Reader is perfect for my daughter who is receiving the sacrament in about two weeks but I would love to get the First Communion reader too. When will that be out? (Or I guess I should just get the Reconciliation Reader now since she won’t be receiving Holy Communion until May) Thanks!
**Holy Communion Reader coming soon!**