Saints Masterclass Series on PRAYER


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Saints Masterclass Series on Prayer:

Individual PDF Modules will be available for the following Saints and Theologians:

The Desert Fathers
St Augustine
St Benedict
St Bernard of Clairvaux
St Thomas Aquinas
St Catherine of Siena
Thomas A Kempis
St Ignatius of Loyola
St Teresa of Avila
St John of the Cross
St Francis de Sales
Brother Lawrence
Fr Jean-Pierre de Caussade
St Alphonsus Ligouri
Fr Jean Nicholas Grou
St Therese of Lisieux
Gabrielle Bossis
St Gemma Galgani
Fr Don Dolindo
St Padre Pio
Ven Fulton Sheen
Fr Gaston Courtois
St Josemaria Escriva
St Faustina
Brother Dom Hubert Van Zeller
Deacon Clarence Enzler
Thomas Merton
St Teresa of Calcutta
St John Paul II
Fr Thomas Dubay
Mother Angelica
Fr Bob Bedard
Fr Henri Nouwen
Fr Jacques Philippe