Baby Book and Journal…turned Catholic!

We have all seen and perhaps filled in a baby book
 for the first year of a child’s life.
Have you noticed how much kids (especially 8-12 year olds) 
enjoy the “All about me” Journal, scrapbook or quizzbook?
How about a Catholic Faith Journal
perfect for the Baby Book or Baptism gift,
recording family details and memories…
and their unique Journey of Faith.

Pass on to the child at First Reconciliation, or use as
a workbook to fill in together on “Mommy and me” or “Daddy and me” dates
or enjoy this practical and solid Catholic “big kid” present for First Holy Communion.

How about a special momento of the child’s Journey of Faith,

to be filled out and cherished as Confirmation preparation or as a unique Confirmation gift?
Invite the young adult to reflect on their prayer life and growing relationship with Jesus.


Have you looked for something to teach your kids about all the Sacraments
…even those they haven’t received? 
Get them thinking about the priests in their life,
the Catholic weddings they have attended
and the sick who they are praying for:

Hand in hand with Jesus
by Monica and Kelly McConkey

Two Journals in one!  The first section of the Faith Journal traces the teaching and celebration
 of the seven Sacraments and the Catholic Faith. The second section of the Faith Journal (“Heart to heart with Jesus”) offers thought provoking questions and reflections on life and a growing relationship with Jesus.
This hardcover, concealed coil book is packed with prompting reflections and questions, tracing the child’s Catholic journey of Faith: the celebration of the Sacraments, the growing knowledge of the Catholic Faith through Catechism and Tradition and the child’s deepening personal relationship with Jesus.
Catechism references are included to look up specific questions, although there is a complete answer key in the back of the book for Catechism based questions.
$24.95 + shipping.  Order your Hand in hand with Jesus here. 
(Make the most of shipping by purchasing 3 or more.)
Buy this one-of-a-kind Faith Journal for your children, grandchildren and Godchildren…
Celebrate each child’s Journey of Faith!

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