Cousin Marg’s Marvelous Floor Cloths

Our really cool cousin Marg is a great artist.  She and Eric have hosted our family for so many great events at their wonderful place in the woods, including workshops creating floor mats! 

The floor mats are usually about 2’x3′.  Marg paints the canvas white, folding (maybe ironing?) the edges over on the back for a clean hem.  We spend a wonderful day painting and visiting, munching and painting.  She then covers the (dry) painted surface with a couple layers of varnish, allowing for plenty of drying time between each coat. 

The above picture is our first floor cloth, created by Emily, Kelly, Marg and me.  We painted this before we had little Adam (what was life like before Adam!?), so each of the 6 puzzle pieces represent our members of the family at the time. 

My Mom and I created a floor cloth for my Mom, with little Bridget who was about 3 at the time.

Mom is a piano teacher, so we again included a keyboard.  Bridget’s favorite part was adding her handprints, playing the keyboard. 

Last year, Emily and Kelly created a floor cloth with cousin Marg. 

They continued the puzzle piece and music theme.

 Last week, Joseph made a floor cloth with cousin Marg and we think he did a great job! 

 It’s going to look great in his room!

Can you tell that Joe likes superheroes?

I hope cousin Marg doesn’t mind me showing off a little of her work…check out Marg’s website!

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