Feastday Feetprinting

June 29 is the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul! 
St. Peter is the patron saint of foot trouble. 

Years ago…I took a 4’x4′ canvas and let my kids make footprints with paint. 
Actually…it was 1999!

I only had two kids then…they were 31/2  and 1…and they had really cute feet. 

I included this idea in a craft for the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul in A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families.

    inside the Treasure Chest

11 years later…
with our 5 kids, ranging from 1 -15,
we updated our
Feastday Feetprinting Cloth!

It’s like our own Jackson Pollock.

Maybe we should stretch and frame it.
Any other suggestions? =)

We added some hands too…
from some of our less cooperative members.

Despite the rolling of the eyes
when I first got the canvas out
 and set up the paints in our driveway…
I think they had fun!
I think we’ll enjoy looking at it in a few years from now…
and maybe adding a few Feastday Feetprints!

Washable paint! Just a little soap and water and most of our feet are back to their normal color now.
Happy Feast of St Peter and St Paul!

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