Harry Potter…Gryffindor scarves

OK, so I have only read 2 or 3 of the books, unlike 3 of my kids who have read all 7 (up to 8 times!)

I have seen all the movies.

I have read the criticism and cautions about this series. 
Concerns about the use of magic, spells and wizardry.
Concerns about the glamor of evil characters and the blurred  boundaries of good and evil.
Concerns about rewarding disobedient behavior and the lack of consequences for breaking the rules.
I have questioned the inconsistencies…how Harry Potter is denied a school field trip without a ‘permission form’ in one year, but expected to battle to the death…in the next.
Maybe I’m swayed by the imaginative inventions of characters, utensils, … yes, magical powers and moving staircases.
Maybe it’s my weakness for castles.
Maybe I have become sympathetic to Harry, Ron and Hermoine because my kids think of them as friends.

Maybe it’s the fact that my Dad has been entertaining family and friends with magic as his hobby for years.

Maybe I’m impressed that my kids are reading 600 page books, sometimes in just a few days, just to ‘review’ in time for a movie.

I know that there’s too much violence and scariness for kids.
I know my Grandma would have preferred that the kids were absorbed in Little House on the Prairie. 
She didn’t really think the Muppets were ‘pretty’ enough when I was a kid.

I still enjoy Harry Potter…and I made these scarves as we go see the final movie. The first picture shows the scarves I made last November for Part I.  We gave a couple away and needed a few more, so I used different fleece for these ‘chunky’ scarves.  The next best thing from someone who can’t knit! 

I just cut squares of fleece (because you don’t need to hem fleece!) and sewed the right sides together with a zigzag stitch, alternating the yellow and wine colors, and cutting a fringe on the ends.

Any other Harry Potter fans out there?

6 thoughts on “Harry Potter…Gryffindor scarves

  1. We’re Harry Potter fans here. My girls used to be big fans of the movies, but my nine year old wants nothing to do with the books. She claims the first one was boring. I think she doesn’t know what she’s missing.

    I think the battle between good and evil is pretty well defined in the HP series. I also like that overall Harry is a very selfless character. I know plenty of people who think these books are evil but I personally don’t see it. What I see is great children’s literature that is well written and engaging.

    I’m looking forward to the last half of the last movie, but I’ve never been thrilled with the movie versions of the books since so much inevitably gets left out of the story line.

  2. We are Potter fans too:) My 9 year old has read all the books but only seen the first 3 movies. They were too scary for her that she doesn’t want to see any more right now. Who says kids can’t self regulate:) Love the scarves. Enjoy the movie I will have to see it on cable when my daughter is in bed:)

  3. Monica,
    My 11 year old son just became interested in Harry Potter this summer, and over the last month has read all the books and checked out all the movies from the library. I am torn about my opinion of the series. I liked the first movie and wish they could have kept some of the innocence in it throughout the other movies. But like you, I’m impressed that he whipped through all those 600 page books in a very short time. In fact, when he checked out three of them at the same time, the librarian asked him if he would be able to read them all by the due date in 3 weeks (they were finished in about a 1.5 weeks). So that is definitely good–he’s reading this summer! I’m hoping that by discussing the questionable/controversial stuff with him, teaches him a little about being an analytical viewer of popular media. Anyway, he has talked me into taking him to the premiere of the new movie. Love the scarves–might have to make one for him!

  4. I love reading your posts 🙂 I am so glad that I found your blog, or that you found us 😉 Lucky for me I haven’t had to cross that bridge yet (my kids are too young for Harry Potter) but I have read and heard the same things you have. In the end, I think imagination is a good thing. Your scarves are great, as usual, thanks for linking up with us! See you again next week 🙂

  5. I love Harry Potter!! I think the book has good morals behind it…selflessness, love and working together that sort of thing. Also I like how they married their childhood sweethearts…I like reading about long term commited relationships as so many movies these days are so…you know. 😐

    My father bought me a scarf from the theme park in Florida. 🙂 I have the Gryffindor one…I like your scarves…gosh, I can’t knit either! Eventually I shall learn but I am too busy cross stitching, to me, three huge projects right now! ha They mention heming on my current cross stitch project…no idea how to do it but I shall have to learn!! What a relief I have the cross stitchers bible. 😛 lol I seem to have skipped from beginners cross stitcher to highly advanced! 🙂

    Bye bye for now!!!!

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