HOLY RummOLI! The Catholic Edition!

We have this great deck of cards called the Cathletics Playing Cards.  Each of the numbered cards have elements of the Catechism and the face cards are St Joseph (the Jack), Mother Mary (the Queen), Jesus (the King!) and the Trinity (the Ace).

How awesome is our Faith!?

We boast that you can play regular card games with this deck, or use them as flashcards…or use them in a combination of the two (asking ‘Catholic’ questions with each play of the game).

For years…(as evident on page 193 of A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families), I have wanted to create a  Holy Rummoli game, using these Catholic cards. 
Check out the FREE Catholic Rummoli artwork for use with a regular playing card deck.
Cathletics Rummoli artwork is available as well.  Email me for the secret link!

Now, the Cathletics Playing Cards have their own set of suits reflecting the Trinity, but I think I can show the transformation of the black spade to the cross, and the red diamond to the Holy Spirit. 
Now, I’m not going to show you the entire deck of Cathletics Playing Cards…because I have to keep something secret for those incented to buy our Cathletics Playing Cards!


Now, I know that there are many out there, who won’t buy this deck of cards…

as nicely illustrated and as packed with Catholic info
as they are!

For the sake of Holy Rummoli! I suggest that you can use some Sharpies and write some Catholic stuff on a deck of dollar store cards.  These are the basics as I see them:

3 of Clubs:  the Trinity
5’s:  all 5 Mysteries of the Rosary
6 of Diamonds:  6+6 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(I know, tricky! =)

7 of Hearts : Virtues
7 of Diamonds: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
7 of Clubs:  Sacraments
9 of Diamonds: Charisms of the Holy Spirit
10 of Hearts: Commandments
Q of Hearts:  Immaculate Heart of Mary
K of Hearts: Sacred Heart of Jesus
K of Spades:  King of the Cross
A of Clubs:  the Trinity

Using a dollar store party platter, decide on which cards or combinations of cards will be most valuable, as regular Rummoli.  Download Arma Dei Catholic Rummoli artwork for your regular deck of cards.
Check this out for regular Rummoli Rules.

Here’s a sneak peek at the  Holy Rummoli artwork  for the regular playing card deck,
we’re offering by pdf.
Go ahead, you can download this for FREE!

Also available for Cathletics Playing Card customers:
Artwork customized for use with
Cathletics Playing Cards!

Holy Rummoli!
Cathletics Edition

Actually, I’m just playing with the PayLoadz pdf application.
You can download the Holy Rummoli! Cathletics Edition pdf for FREE.

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