Divine Mercy plus Christ the King Novena Abacus (PDF)


This Cathletic Craft Kit offers prayers and clipart to customize a Divine Mercy Abacus made from a Dollarstore square framed canvas, as well as a Christ the King Novena Abacus.

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This Cathletic Craft Kit offers prayers and clipart to customize a Divine Mercy Abacus made from a Dollarstore square framed canvas. The strung Pony beads are perfect for little fingers to count the prayers of the Divine Mercy as well as the 9 days of the Novena.
Includes Divine Mercy Prayers Bookmark and a One page Divine Mercy template with all the prayers and beads to color.

BONUS: Also includes clipart and prayers for the Christ the King Novena!

Check out this instructional video of this craft from The Mass Box!