Lord Make me Humble Holy Family Lock Screen


I’ve discovered a NEW way to pray that has a lot to do with The Little Way…but includes an inexhaustible source of practical Prayer Prompts; custom-fit and always available for me…and for you too.

Extracted from our new e-book A Little Way to Pray, these specially-formatted Pocket Prayer Prompts are intended to be installed as the Lock Screen background on your phone, so that with each glance at your phone, you’ll be prompted to pray!

1242pixels x 2208pixels high quality jpg


SKU: LordMakemeHumbleHolyFamilyLS-005 Category: Tag:


Extracted from our new e-book A Little Way to Pray, these specially-formatted Pocket Prayer Prompts are intended to be installed as the Lock Screen background on your phone, so that with each glance at your phone, you’ll be prompted to pray!

1242px x 2208 px high quality jpeg formatted to fit most phones

The jpegs measure about 4″x7″ and are high resolution and can be enlarged for printing and cropped to accommodate 5″x7″ or 8″x10″.

2 jpegs included: larger file (cymk) for printing; smaller file (rgb) for web