Special Offer for Catholic Bookstore Owners!!! Free Fun Craft Kit to teach the New Mass for 10 Catholic bloggers!

The countdown is on! 
The New English Translation of the Mass will begin very soon!

The Color Me Catholic:
Roman Missal Edition
makes 10 booklets,  each with a different selection of phrases of the New Mass  (in chronological order) to get us all familiar with the new text. 
The little booklets also have 8 great coloring pages each,
with illustrations teaching
the Vessels,
  the Vestments,
  Symbols, Church Furnishings,
Parts of the Mass,
and Sacraments!

I am offering free downloads for
Catholic Bookstore Owners
who would like to review this craft kit
and possibly carry it at their store!
You can copy the kit and hand out a booklet for each customer…
Keep the kids busy in your store while their Moms shop and get happy Moms returning to your store! 
Leave a comment below or email me for your free download!

YOU get to download, print and color these 10 booklets within your family …have them in hand at the first 10 Masses of the new Liturgical Calendar and then you can print them again for the next 10 Masses!

Watch as your children become more familiar with the New Text of the Mass and the awesome Artifacts of our Catholic Faith!
To apply to receive a FREE download of
Color Me Catholic: Roman Missal Edition, please submit a comment below or email me privately at
Monica{at}ArmaDei{dot}com.  Please include the name of your Catholic blog and “free Color Me Catholic” in the subject line of your email!

9 thoughts on “Special Offer for Catholic Bookstore Owners!!! Free Fun Craft Kit to teach the New Mass for 10 Catholic bloggers!

  1. Hi Monica, I would be happy to review your kit too! I think it’s a great idea for kids to learn about the changes in the new Roman Missal Edition.

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