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The New Roman Missal starts THIS WEEKEND!
Color Me Catholic:
New Roman Missal Edition!
Cathletics Craft Kit TM
Monica McConkey (Author)
Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping
Price: $16 U.S. plus shipping
Look inside Color Me Catholic
Check out the **NEW**VIDEO**
Color Me Catholic Tutorial
Color Me Catholic Tutorial
Visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and purchase your PDF version right away and print it on your own home printer!
Price: $14 U.S.
Instructions and templates to create 10 mini-booklets, each offering 8 mini coloring pages of treasured Vessels, Vestments & Symbols, Church Furnishings, Parts of the Mass and Sacraments & Sacramentals plus 8 pages of phrases from the New Roman Missal Mass in sequential order.
A template is also included to create a folder to hold the booklets.
The full collection allows for exposure to most of the text of the Mass (especially all the “People’s Parts”) and many images, easily reviewed over 10 Masses. Why not re-circulate the booklets for the next 10 Masses, for even better familiarity, getting kids to look and listen during Mass?
Product Details
1 color cover, 20 black and white templates (double-sided printing), 3 black and white templates for the instructions and folder, permission to photocopy for single household or single class term use, all contained in a clear plastic 11″x 9″ envelope.
Publisher: Arma Dei (2011)
Language: English
Product Dimension: 9″x11″
Shipping Weight: 95g
Paper Version Price: $16 + shipping

or visit our Craft Kit Printables Online Store to save money and print your own kit for $14.
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I just subscribed to your website…the New Mass printables look great! I hope I win 🙂
blessings…Janel in NJ